The game of explosive growth

We help ambitious growth-stage companies.
Series A and beyond. Past P/M-fit, looking to scale.

Member of Double Agency working

Our clients go from
seed to established

TikTok Case Study

Business growth to match user growth

Something wasn't adding up. Based on TikTok's unreal success, businesses should have been flooding in to partner up as advertisers.
Glowforge Case Study

Crossing the Atlantic into a new market

Already a major player in US, Glowforge was ready to expand to Europe. Building awareness and trust with these new audiences was the key to this transition.
InsideTracker Case Study

Scaling personalised health to new heights

Started as a discussion about retention and revenue models, evolved into a comprehensive strategy to scale a marketing machine.
SparkRadar Case Study

More than just a spark

This was not our average project, in two weeks we rebranded SparkRadar; a startup preventing plant pathogens.
Sparring Case Study

Your legal dream team on Slack

With success in Europe, as a legal partner for startups, Sparring turned to Double for the next chapter in their growth: the US market.
Alpian Case Study

Taking growth to the bank

Since the very early days, Alpian has worked with Double to develop and shape their growth marketing and customer acquisition strategies to reach their affluent audience.
Lely Case Study

Automating the future of farming

Lely turned to Double to help optimise their marketing automation, customer education, nurturing, paid advertising and lead gen.

Think we should talk?

Feel free to reach out if you are interested in working with us, for us, or just want to say hello.